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Tennis elbow

Tennis elbow

You may be a passionate tennis player? You may lift heavy weights in the gym? Maybe you have a job with repetitive tasks? Or maybe…

Shin Splints

Shin Splints

Welcome back to the Running Through Lockdown blog series. Todays focus: Shin splintsWhat actually is it?The term itself, ‘Shin Splints’ is well-known, but pretty vague…

Running Through Lockdown

Running Through Lockdown

This year, albeit enormously challenging, has provided us with some unique opportunities. Working from home, social restrictions and curfews have meant less commuting, plenty of…

FEEL THE BURN: Arabesque

FEEL THE BURN: Arabesque

What is this exercise? The Arabesque exercise is a great exercise to activate your gluteals, especially your gluteus maximus. See link to Clams, Bulgarian Lunge and bridge. Pimarily working your…